Shat Darshanas Coach

Shat Darshanas Coach

Course Description

Hindu philosophy is traditionally divided into six astika (orthodox) schools of thought, or darsana, which accept the Vedas as supreme revealed scriptures. The astikas are: • Samkhya : Samkhya adopts a consistent dualism of matter (prakriti) and the eternal spirit (purusha). • Yoga: Yogis are devoted to creating a union between mind, body, and spirit. According to yoga darshan, the universe is the result of the interaction of nature and the self. • Nyaya: Nyaya literally means "justice", " rules", " methods" or "judgment", which is one of the six orthodox (astika) schools of Hinduism. • Vaisheshika: Vaisheshika is derived from the Sanskrit, Vishesa, meaning "distinction" or "distinguishing feature." • Mimamsa: The aim of Mimamsa is to give rules for the interpretation of the Vedas, the earliest scriptures of Hinduism, and to provide a philosophical justification for the observance of Vedic rituals. • Vedanta: Vedanta means Veda end or the purpose or goal of the Vedas. It was given by Badrayana or maharishi.

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Course Duration : One Week
Total Weeks : 364 Weeks

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