Fruit Celebration Therapies Coach

Fruit Celebration Therapies Coach

Course Description

Fruits are an important part of a healthy eating pattern and a good source of required vitamins and minerals. Fruits are also acknowledged for their vital role in the prevention of diseases caused due to the deficiency of vitamin A and vitamin C. Fruits also provide a vast range of health-boosting antioxidants.

With an objective to create and educate children about the importance and consumption of fruits in a regular diet, the youngsters of kindergarten celebrated Fruit Day. The occasion was used to teach kids the health benefits of fruits – one of Mother Nature's most amazing food.

The main purpose of this day is to share fruits in joy and sympathy with family- members, friends, or needy people as this day addresses all people who create and preserve positive- living conditions

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Course Details
Course Duration : One Week
Total Weeks : 52 Weeks