The Land of Supreme Consciousness

His Holiness Namo ShreeGuru is the rarest incarnation on this planet, who is the ocean of knowledge. All the online classes will be taken in person by our beloved Namo SreeGuru. This is the wonderful opportunity to get comunion with the ultimacy.

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Namo Sreeguru is an enlightened mystic who is the rarest incarnation on this planet.
All the online courses will be conducted via Zoom meeting.

About Namo SreeGuru

Namo SreeGuru is an enlightened mystic, motivational speaker, life guide and our beloved master. Master says, Man is the greatest miracle in the universe. The very porpose of human birth is to become a light unto himself and to the universe. But today we have forgotten completely the original nature. We are living an incomplete life. We are living only one side of the life i.e. materialistic life. We never try to know, why we have come to this earth, where we go after death. Simply a forgotten life we are living. We forgot the essence and fragnance of human life. Mas has completely engaged in the activities of mundane world. He never tries to think about mystory of human life.

The true life is spiritual life, which is ignored totally. Master says Man is already Enlightened that means all human beings are enlightened, but unfortunate thing is we have forgotten our original self totally and we are living a pseudo life.
